Pilobolus is a genus of fungi which live on the dung of herbivores. These fungi shoot their spores out at great speed to reproduce. The spores travel faster than a fighter jet.
Pilobolus is a genus of fungi which live on the dung of herbivores. These fungi shoot their spores out at great speed to reproduce. The spores travel faster than a fighter jet.
Fast as lightning
Like other fungi, Pilobolus spreads spores around to reproduce (sexually). It has a spectacular way of doing this, shooting spores off at tremendous speed. The spores can reach an acceleration of 210.000 m/s2 (meter per second, per second). While a bullet, of one of the most powerful pistols in the world, can reach an acceleration of 320.000 m/s2 when it leaves the barrel. This does not mean the spores will go as fast as a fired bullet. Due to the short distance the spore will travel, speeds up to 25 m/s have been measured. In other words, 90 km/h.
Grows in dung
A pouch filled with water is located under the black spore in the fungus. When the pressure becomes too great, the pouch bursts and shoots the spore into the air. The spores can land on grass where they can be eaten by cattle and other herbivores to be subsequently excreted. The spores then grow into new Pilobolus fungi in the animal’s dung.