Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG

Keeps our products well

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Lactobacillus bacteria are also referred to as lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria convert sugar into lactic acid for their energy requirements. Lactobacillus are used by humans to ferment all sorts of food products. Some 99% of all microbes are able to survive anaerobically, without oxygen. Lactobacillus bacteria are facultative anaerobes, meaning that they are able to survive with or without oxygen.

Lactobacillus bacteria are also referred to as lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria convert sugar into lactic acid for their energy requirements. Lactobacillus are used by humans to ferment all sorts of food products. Some 99% of all microbes are able to survive anaerobically, without oxygen. Lactobacillus bacteria are facultative anaerobes, meaning that they are able to survive with or without oxygen.


Fermentation has been used for centuries to extend the time that products will keep well. During this process, microbes convert certain substances anaerobically into other ones. Common examples of fermented foods include yogurt, cheese, beer, bread, tempeh, wine, sauerkraut, kimchi, soy sauce, dried sausages and vinegar. Lactobacillus bacteria ferment sugars into lactic acid; the most famous fermentation product that they make is yogurt. Conversion of primarily glucose into lactic acid is done by the bacteria themselves, serving as their food source. Our food keeps longer because the lactic acid which is created lowers the pH, so other bacteria have a harder time growing.


Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG has been shown to have positive health effects when administered as probiotics. The primary aim of the living micro-organisms in probiotics is to ensure a proper proportion of microbes in the microbiome. L. rhamnosus GG occurs naturally in the human microbiome, which has led to many studies of its effect on health. One of these studies revealed that L. rhamnosus GG is able to relieve or treat diarrhoea.